What Really Matters For SEO? Marketers Explain Top Ranking Signals


We know that there are over 200 signals for ranking a website in SERPs. But, at the same time, we also know that meeting up with all these signals is quite challenging.

Thankfully, not all these signals are equally important. In other words, some signals weigh more than others when it comes to ranking a website in SERPs.

So, what are these signals that matter the most? Keep reading to find out.

Speed And Responsiveness

Two of the most important SEO updates included mobile-friendliness and responsiveness. In the initial days of SEO, webmasters used to develop two separate websites for mobile and desktop use.

However, it changed as mobile technology evolved, especially after Google announced Mobilegeddon. Today, websites that are compatible with all screen types are rewarded with better ranks in SERPs.

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Content Quality

The next most important thing for SEO is the content. Remember, not just any content would do. Instead, Google and other major search engines emphasize creating content pieces that serve a purpose.

To your surprise, Google has also laid out guidelines for creating content. You can refer to blog marketing articles. Also, take note of other guidelines such as YMYL content and E-A-T guidelines for webmasters.

Top Ranking Keywords

Another key signal that has stayed on top for every search engine is the keyword. However, the practices for choosing and including keywords in the content have evolved. For example, stuffing keywords in the content is no longer a good strategy.

In fact, it is considered one of the most disastrous spammy practices. And in most cases, can even lead to penalties for a website.

Website Crawlability

One of the most important ranking factors for any website is its crawlability. In other words, if the search engine cannot crawl a website, it won’t rank it anywhere in the search results.

What you can do is, create a sitemap for your website, change the robots.txt attribute for web pages, and create a good internal link profile.

Website Security

Since 2014, website security has been a key factor in ranking web pages in SERPs. As the number of online users grew, so did the security concerns for user data.

In other words, using “HTTPS” instead of “HTTP” in the website URL helps rank better in SERPs.

Backlink Profile

Since the early days of the internet, if there’s anything that has stayed important, it is the backlink profile of any content. Although there have been updates regarding backlinks as well, they mostly concern with the quality of the profile.

According to several sources, backlinks would continue to be one of the top website ranking factors in 2021 and after. To put this into perspective, leading search engines consider niche-relevant natural backlinks as a good signal for ranking websites in SERPs.

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Domain Age

Last but not least is the age of a domain. To put it simply, the older a domain, the higher it is believed to rank in SERPs.

Although Google has denied the validity of this fact, several reports suggest otherwise. But, what’s noteworthy here is the fact that irrespective of the domain age, the niche of the website should remain unchanged.

Now that you know what factors are most crucial for your website, audit it thoroughly for compliance.

But, remember, these are not the only factors that help improve your website ranking in SERPs. So, additionally, keep an eye out for other compliance factors too.


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